"If you somehow stumbled into this corner of cyberspace it must be for a reason!"

Dylon Whyte - WIZARD!


Welcome visitor! My name is Dylon and this website (dylonwhyte.com) has been my online domain for close to 2 decades.

My infinimagination-fueled interests cover many topics which means I've been involved with a lot of strange $hit and modalities through the years.

I am probably best known as the author and illustrator of The Art of Chainmail, the best beginners guide to the European family of chain maille weaves.

I've also appeared in many summer theatre productions and short films including the award-winning Philanthropist:

I love expressing my creativity through the medium of Digital Collages, which are often based on my most wild dreams. For older projects, such as Question Reality (my first and only museum art show) and The Paradoxian Tarot, I ravaged any and all online image sources for the base collage materials required with utter impunity.

Recently I turned to generative A.i., which I currently employ to create the raw materials for the majority of my work.

If you would like to view more of my work I have created this extensive online portfolio, be forewarned however, that some images may be triggering (or downright silly) and while I've done my best to install warnings, I cannot guarantee anyone's safety as the peruse my previous works.

Feel free to drop me a line if you're interested in commissioning an original digital college. I also work with my wife and business partner, Ashley Whyte, who is the gifted illustrator behind the D'WIZARD illustrations found on this site and our Manitoulin Colouring Books. If you're interested in 100% original content, including her brilliant zine Swearing: Because It's F*cking Therapeutic, be sure to check out her site!

The Collected Works of Dylon Whyte ~ WIZARD!


Like most 21st century cyberspace denizens I manage profiles across many social media sites where I have never deleted any past content, so if you want to discover what I'm all about I recommend visiting any of the following:




Sticker Mule Store

Night Café



(Dylon's Cancer Journey)





Random Dylon Youtube Channel

Dylon Swallows on Youtube

Dylon Whyte Books on Amazon

(The Art of Chainmail, Jack and Dylon's Daily Video Podcast, Enjoying Postcards with Jack and Dylon and Postcards and $hit with Jack and Dylon on Youtube.)

Feel free to Google @Grumbledude or "Dylon Whyte" for more of my embarrassing Internaut History!

The Collected Works of Dylon Whyte ~ WIZARD!


For those interested in experimenting with a little time travel, here are links to past versions of dylonwhyte.com and my other assorted blogs, most courtesy of The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine (As long as it is still functional that is!)

Be forewarned that The Wayback Machine is Janky at times, so if you are (somehow) interested in actually reading more of my content, it's often easier to use their calendar navigation controls to return to previous dates as internal links to dynamic content are often only archived 1 or 2 sub-pages deep.

The Lonely Gunman

Five Original Issues March 2000 to August 2000

The Lonely Gunman Blog

October 2002 to May 2007
(I only realized recently that this anceient Blogger still exists! No Wayback Machine required, I still despise reading my writing from this time period, man I sucked serious ballz!)

Dylon Whyte's Current Thoughts

November 2006 to June 2010
(Did my writing get any better!? I'm not so sure, many of these posts were also articles for our local newspaper The Recorder.)

The Citi-Zen Current Z
(The Lucidly Dissilusioned WetWare Dreams of a GeNerationNeXT Nation Waiting... Z...)

August 2011 to October 2011
(Most people don't know that I went Nuckin Futs for awhile, but this nearly incomprehensible blog is proof positive that I wasn't in my right mind.)

(Semper Sci-Fi by Oliver Agony)

November 2012 to February 2013
(OK, this tumblr blog is still pretty insane and I don't honestly know if there are older posts than what is linked here. This is the point where I first encountered the concept of "Semper Sci-Fi" which stands for "Always Faithful to Science Fiction" based on the principle that "For every commonly accepted explanation there exists within the honest annals and annuals of Science Fiction an equal, if not more likely explanation." This essentially marked the period where I started writing my "Crazy Books", which I have organized here with reflective notes for anyone who is truly interested in diving into the depths of my personal insanity.)

1000 First Pages by Oliver Agony

May 2012 to Jun 2012
(Oliver Agony was my nom-de-plume during this particular phase of writing insanity which involved trying to create a gazillion projects at once, one of these was supposed to be 1,000 First Pages featuring complete random stories. I think I finished about 100 of these before finally getting distracted by something else. Also, wholly f*ck! At this point my blog writing skillz still seriously suxxored!)

The Yellow Sub-Machine Gun Meme Stream

June 2011 to April 2023
(My Oliver Agony tumblr experience eventually evolved into The Yellow Sub-Machine Gun Meme Stream which used to tumble content from my other social media feeds until those features where enevitably disabled. I honestly loved Tumblr as a platform prior to being swallowed whole by Yahoo! Oddly enough, this is one of the few places which still contains a small selection of the t-shirt work I created for Rageon before this amazing print-on-demand websites eventual permadeath demise, an unexpected casualty of Canadian Politics.)


Up to June 2016
(In and around this time I also had a fairly active account on Memecenter where I managed to reach level 32 and broke the top 500 before getting distracted. I was very sad to recently discover that Memcenter eventually succumbed to Internet politics and has been since obliterated.

Diary of a Chainman

September 2004 to September 2020
(At this point I got a little more serious with my blogging and perhaps generated content of more interest including a series of Q and A "Playboy" interviews with some of my favourite authors and creators. This blog also has a lot more chainmail related content, plus a ton of material from the period where we I worked with my father, Canadian Artist Jack Whyte to create his fully illustrated autobiography Scrapbook: a story of art, which is still available to read for free, along with almost all episodes of our Daily Video Podcast which started out with Enjoying Postcards and continued into all sorts of unexpected directions.)


November 2023 and still going strong!
(For my 50th birthday I finally decided to follow through on my love of science fantasy and create a proper writer blog which unites many of my unfinished ideas with fully human-edited and illustrated A.i. generated content. Has my writing gotten any better in the past quarter century?? I honestly don't know, but it makes me happy to explore ideas that would never have had the opportunity to come to life any other way!)

Let's Discuss Your Dreams!


Dylon's Crazy Books!


There's No Place Like Home!

The Collected Works of Dylon Whyte ~ WIZARD!

Copyright © 1999-2024 Dylon Whyte 🗲 WIZARD!